Current issue

Vol.26 No.4

Vol.26 No.4


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Volume 25, No.1

No Stinking Loops

Tables with calculated columns

by Stevan Apter

K4 has a quite different way of representing tables from that used in K3. This article describes how to simulate in q the column dependencies that K3 supported.

0. Dependencies

In K3, tables are pseudotypes, dictionaries of vectors. The ‘columns’ of a ‘table’ are first-class variables. Thus, using dot-notation:

  t.f:10 20 30
  t g:40 50 60

The ‘records’ of a table are the corresponding elements of the ‘column’ variables.

A variable is a data-structure with three components:

  • a simple symbolic name, e.g. `f
  • a value, e.g. 10 20 30
  • a recursive dictionary of attributes

The d attribute is used to define the variable as a functional dependency. For example, using double-dot-notation:

50 70 90

Thus, h is a variable in the dictionary t, having name t, value 50 70 90, and an attribute dictionary containing a single variable with name d, value "f+g", and empty attribute dictionary:

   10 20 30
   40 50 60
   50 70 90

The evaluation of t recursively evaluates the columns f, g, and h of t. t.h depends on f and g. If either f or g changes, h is marked ‘invalid’. If h is invalid, then on reference it recalculates in t using f and g.

The K3 workspace is a tree of dictionaries rooted in the nameless dictionary. We can capture the entire workspace by evaluating the empty symbol; or, as one wag put it, “The value of nothing is everything”:

		 10 20 30
		 40 50 60
		 50 70 90

In q (i.e. K4) a table is a list of records – structurally identical dictionaries. The columns of a table are the corresponding entries of the records. (N.B. internally, q stores the table as a structure of column-lists.)

How then can we simulate in q the column dependencies we get for free in K3?

1. Tables and views.

In q we have tables:

q)t:([]f:10 20 30;g:40 50 60)
f  g
10 40
20 50
30 60

and we have views:

q)v::select from t where g<60
f  g
10 40
20 50

v depends on t. When t is modified, v becomes ‘invalid’. v will be recalculated (‘validated’) the next time it is referenced:

f  g
20 50
30 60
40 70

f  g
20 50

2. Calculated columns

We can use update to add calculated columns to a table:

q)update k:f+g,l:neg f from t
f  g  k   l
20 50 70  -20
30 60 90  -30
40 70 110 -40

but q won’t allow us to add columns unless they depend strictly on existing columns in the table:

q)update k:f+g,l:k*2 from t
q)update l:k*2,k:f+g from t

Columns must be added as a correctly-ordered sequences of separate updates:

q)update l:k*2 from update k:f+g from t
f  g  k   l
20 50 70  140
30 60 90  180
40 70 110 220

3. Automating calculated columns

Let’s divide up the parameters to the problem and assign them to distinct variables:

t is a table
f is a data-structure containing the names and definitions of calculated columns
v is a view which depends on t and f

For example, f might be defined through a GUI, in which users specify the calculated columns.

v will be a view which functionally depends on t and f:


The function willbe takes t and f as arguments and returns a table containing the columns of t plus the defined columns, or ‘willbes’, specified by f.

4. Implementation 1: update over

To start, let’s use q’s native parsing primitive to analyze the structure of the successful update from section 2:

q)parse"update l:k*2 from update k:f+g from t"

The functional form of update is:


where t is the table to be updated, a is the constraint, or ‘where’ clause, b is the group, or ‘by’ clause, and c is the dictionary of names and definitions of the columns to be added.

In the problem at hand we have no constraints and no grouping, so by convention a and b are () and 0b.

The column definitions are unit dictionaries. Each one gives the name and definition of a single field. A unit dictionary maps a one-element symbolic vector – the name – to a one-element parse of the definition. So, for example:

q)enlist[`k]!enlist parse"f+g"
k| + `f `g

The form of the successful update is:


where kdict and ldict are unit-dictionaries which define k and l respectively. Generalising, we see that in order to add columns c1cn to t we have to construct an expression of the form:


Let’s simplify this by defining a function which eliminates the constants:

col:{![x;();0b;enlist[y]!enlist z]}

col takes three arguments: x is a table, y is a symbol, and z is the parse of a definition. col returns x updated with the new column y. So:


We know what to do with this pattern: express it as the application of col over t, a vector of names, and a list of definitions:


col executes n times. Initially, t is updated with c1 to produce t1. Then t1 is updated with c2 to produce t2.

q)col/[t;`k`l;parse each("f+g";"k*2")]
f  g  k   l
20 50 70  140
30 60 90  180
40 70 110 220

5. Implementation 2: column references

q still requires that we order the definitions correctly:

q)col/[t;`l`k;parse each("k*2";"f+g")]
{![x;();0b;enlist[y]!enlist z]}

Let’s start by having f, our dictionary of column definitions:

l| "k*2"
k| "f+g"

Then parse each expression:

q)p:parse each f
l| * `k 2
k| + `f `g

We want to order p by column-reference, but first we have to extract these from each parsed definition. The algorithm is recursive: descend the parse tree looking for symbol atoms:

ref:{$[-11=t:type x;x;t;();.z.s each x]}

We read the conditional $[..] as follows:

  • if x is a symbol, return x
  • else if x is not a list, return ()
  • else self each x

For example:

q)ref p
l| () `k ()
k| () `f `g

Since each recursion adds a level of nesting, we need to flatten the result. The q primitive raze (K: ,/) takes a list of sublists and returns the catenation of the sublists. The raze of x reduces one level of nesting. And since references can occur more than once in an expression, we need to compress out duplicates with distinct.

Since the result of ref is a tree it will often contain more than one level of nesting. For example:

q)ref parse "(a+b)*c-a*b"

But distinct raze reduces just one level:

q)distinct raze ref parse "(a+b)*(a*b)-c"

To flatten a list of arbitrary depth, we keep applying raze until the result converges. That is, until the result cannot be any flatter:

flatten:distinct raze over

q)flatten ref parse "(a+b)*(a*b)-c"

So the final form of our function for extracting references from a parse-tree is:

refs:flatten ref@


q)refs each p
l| ,`k
k| `f`g

6. Implementation 3: column order

Now that we have the references of p just one piece remains: re-order p so we can add columns to t in correct order.

Let’s define f as follows:

h| "j+k"
j| "f+g"
k| "j*100"
q)p:parse each f
h| + `j `k
j| + `f `g
k| * `j 100
q)r:refs each p
h| `j`k
j| `f`g
k| ,`j
q)k:key r

Now if we index r by k:

q)r k

we get the references of each definition. Notice that some symbols in the result are indices of r (`h`j`k) and some are not (`f`g). Indexing r by one of the latter returns an empty list:

q)r r k
q)r r r k

In this process, we are drilling down in parallel to the ultimate constituents of each definition in r. Eventually, we bottom out in a nest of empties, since the ultimate constituents (f and g) are columns of t:

q)r over k

To capture the sequence of intermediates, we use scan:

q)r scan k
h                                  j                       k
`j`k                               `f`g                    ,`j
(`f`g;,`j)                         (`symbol$();`symbol$()) ,`f`g
((`symbol$();`symbol$());,`f`g)    (();())                 ,(`symbol$();`symbol$())
((();());,(`symbol$();`symbol$())) (();())                 ,(();())
((();());,(();()))                 (();())                 ,(();())

Reversing the result, we get the constituent analysis of f in calculation order:

q)reverse r scan k
((();());,(();()))                 (();())                 ,(();())
((();());,(`symbol$();`symbol$())) (();())                 ,(();())
((`symbol$();`symbol$());,`f`g)    (();())                 ,(`symbol$();`symbol$())
(`f`g;,`j)                         (`symbol$();`symbol$()) ,`f`g
`j`k                               `f`g                    ,`j
h                                  j                       k

The nesting and the empties are irrelevant, so we flatten the analysis:

q)flatten reverse r scan k

This gives us a valid calculation order: the ultimate constituents first (in no particular order), followed by j (f+g), k (j*100), and h (j+k).

For complex f, flatten over reverse r scan key r produces ever-larger and more complex intermediates. By moving the flattening operation into the scan loop we keep the intermediate results as simple as possible, thereby reducing the complexity of the indexing:

q)(flatten r@)scan k
q)flatten reverse(flatten r@)scan k

Finally, we want to exclude non-calculated constituents from the result:

q)flatten[reverse(flatten r@)scan k]inter key k

So our final function is:

order:{flatten[reverse(flatten x@)scan key x]inter key x}

7. Synthesis

Putting it all together:

 p:parse each f;        / parse of expression
 r:refs each p;	        / references
 o:order r;             / ordered by reference
 col/[t;o;p o]}         / create view
flatten:distinct raze over
ref:{$[-11=t:type x;x;t;();.z.s each x]}
refs:flatten ref@
col:{![x;();0b;enlist[y]!enlist z]}
order:{flatten[reverse(flatten x@)scan key x]inter key x}

Let’s run through an example:

t:([]f:10 20 30;g:40 50 60)
f  g
10 40
20 50
30 60
f  g  j  k    h
10 40 50 5000 5050
20 50 70 7000 7070
30 60 90 9000 9090
q)t:update g:g+1 from t where f<50
f  g
10 41
20 51
30 61
f  g  j  k    h
10 41 51 5100 5151
20 51 71 7100 7171
30 61 91 9100 9191

8. Partitioned calculations

Our implementation allows us to define new columns by applying their definitions to existing columns as wholes. For example, h is all of j plus all of k. Suppose we add a grouping column e to t:

q)t:([]e:1 1 2;f:10 20 30;g:40 50 60)
e f  g
1 10 41
1 20 51
2 30 61

Then we may want to define a new column whose values are computed for each e-partition of t: for the subtable where e=1 and the subtable where e=2.

Notice that our definition of col supplies the constant 0b to the third position of !, so new columns are always computed on the ungrouped input table x:

col:{![x;();0b;enlist[y]!enlist z]}

Let’s add a parameter to willbe which controls grouping:

q)f:`h`j`k`l!(’j+k";"f+g";"j*100";"k%sum k")

The new parameter g is a dictionary of ‘group by’ clauses, corresponding to the definitions of the calculated columns f.

We revise our suite of functions accordingly:

 p:parse each f;        / parse of expression
 r:refs each p;         / references
 o:order r;             / ordered by reference
 col/[t;g o;o map'p o]} / create view
flatten:distinct raze over
ref:{$[-11=t:type x;x;t;();.z.s each x]}
refs:flatten ref@
map:{enlist[x]!enlist y}
order:{flatten[reverse(flatten x@)scan key x]inter key x}

So that:

q)t:([]e:1 1 2;f:10 20 30;g:40 50 60)
q)f:`h`j`k`l!("j+k";"f+g";"j*100";"k%sum k")
e f  g  j  k    h    l
1 10 40 50 5000 5050 0.4166667
1 20 50 70 7000 7070 0.5833333
2 30 60 90 9000 9090 1

You can find this source code at


Thanks to Attila Vrabecz and Michael Rosenberg for corrections and improvements.


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